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The Twinkle in a Farmer’s Eye

Sandra Rippetoe copyright 2022

Written with appreciation for and in honor of farmers and farm workers who plant, tend, and harvest our food. Thank you !!

We see the twinkle in your eye.
It’s there each week and we wonder why.

We pick up our veggies you’ve carefully tended
and think of the health issues your labor has mended.

Maybe your eyes twinkle because you deep down know
the secrets of life from watching animals and plants grow.

And maybe you perceive death in an enlightened way
having watched your farm turn through seasons and days.

Regardless, we’re happy about your twinkling eyes
and glad your life’s work makes you so wise.

We’ll think of you when we make soup to get well.
Our gratitude falls on your shoulders . . . hope you can tell.